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Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede Kalerney le 26 Avr 2010, 09:02

Sa y'est, je vais essayer ce que j'ai dit plus haut tout a l'heure, je vous tient au courant ;)
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede Kalerney le 26 Avr 2010, 10:45

J'ai fait la derniere mission de Tbogt, mais le probleme c'est qu'au moment ou Yusuf nous aide dans son helico, j'ai tiré dans l'helico avec mon .44 et Yusuf et mort ! Et le pire c'est qu'en regardant l'helico s'ecraser je me suis payer un mur en moto et un grillage m'est tombé dessus ce qui a provoqué ma mort ! Donc apres une tentative raté j'ai recommencé et au moment ou on atterit du saut en parachute, j'ai pris un helico et j'ai foncé sur Happiness Island est la ... rien du tout :idea: . L'ile etait comme d'habitude, aucun Niko en vue. J'ai donc foncé vers le casino abandonné est rien non plus ... :cry:
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2009, 09:38
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede lapin malin le 26 Avr 2010, 17:15

Je m'y attendais un peu. Parce qu'imagine le fouteur de merde qui se mêle au truc et tue Niko, ça l'fait pas trop :D
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede Kalerney le 26 Avr 2010, 17:23

Ben on peut le faire dans Tbogt ! Dans la mission Not So Fast, tu peut tuer Niko ou Johny dans le musée ! Et dans une autre mission tu peut tuer Niko ou Packie donc il aurait tres bien pu etre sur Happiness Island mais bon, au moins sa ma fait reessayer la derniere mission !
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2009, 09:38
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede lapin malin le 26 Avr 2010, 19:26

Ah ouais... Par contre, tu viens de m'apprendre un truc que je trouve assez débile. Si on tue Niko, comment pourrait-on par le même moyen survivre après le musée dans GTA IV... J'aurais fait en sorte que Niko évite assez de balles pour ne pas mourir ou soit toujours bien cachés...
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lapin malin
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede Kalerney le 26 Avr 2010, 19:56

Le pire c'est dans Lost and damned, quand on tue Niko dans la mission du musée, on recoit un appelle de selui qui a le resto italien sur Denver Av (je m'e rappelle plus de son nom) qui dit que de toute facon c'est pas un grosse perte, il a jamais aimé Niko !!! Tout l'univers de GTA devrait s'effondrer si Niko meurt au millieu du scenario de GTA IV ! Sa ma fait beaucoup rire quand j'ai vu sa.
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2009, 09:38
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede T-Bag le 12 Aoû 2010, 01:19

j'ai trouvè la tombe de ''jack marston'' dans le cimetière de gta iv, a ''colony island'' ou ''charge island'' (je sais plus quel est son nom). aller voir c'est halucinent ! sur la tombe ya écrit ¦ jack marston 1892-1954. comme quoi rockstar games nous avait laissè des indice pour RDR !
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Inscription: 05 Aoû 2010, 17:38
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede Kalerney le 12 Aoû 2010, 07:18

J'y crois pas trop, j'irais voir tout a l'heure.
EDIT : Je suis allé voir et il y a effectivement une tombe ou on peut deviner qu'il est ecrit John Marston 1865 ,quelque chose comme sa, mais c'est carrement illisible.
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2009, 09:38
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede T-Bag le 12 Aoû 2010, 15:45

oui sait pas trés lisible.
j'ai trouver ctte image sur un forum de gta 4 ... 5_fake.jpg
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Inscription: 05 Aoû 2010, 17:38
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede Kalerney le 12 Aoû 2010, 16:26

Heu c'est bien Fake que je lit dans L'adresse du lien :lol:
Je suis allé voire la tombe et on voit effectivement ecrit John Marston 1865 ou quelque chose comme sa mais c'est beaucoup moins lisible que sur l'image, pour avoir une chance de le lire faut mettre le contraste et la luminosité au max.
:arrow: Le Fake est trop mal réalisé, on voit encore les écriture sur la tombe sous les lettres rajouté.
En tout cas si c'est toi qui a crée le fake et que tu ment depuis le début, je suis désolé mais ,sans le savoir, tu disait la verité ! :D
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2009, 09:38
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede T-Bag le 12 Aoû 2010, 17:42

non le fake n'est pas de moi :|
sa viens de, un gars avait poster le fake.
nempeche qui sait donner tous ce mal pour rien, vu que la tombe est vraiment dans gta iv :lol:
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Inscription: 05 Aoû 2010, 17:38
Localisation: Grenoble

Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede Kalerney le 12 Aoû 2010, 18:20

C claire ^^
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2009, 09:38
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede lapin malin le 15 Aoû 2010, 16:03

Elle est où dans GTA IV ? (montrer sur une map svp)
ID PSN:Lapin0malin

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lapin malin
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Re: Topic Officiel des Astuces,Secrets de GTA IV

Messagede Kalerney le 15 Aoû 2010, 17:18

A Colony Island, l'île qui est sous le Algonquin Bridge.
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2009, 09:38
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Messagede MDipseFets le 22 Nov 2017, 23:01

rgdsdvfbgxu hghhgfjkm hnjyflh klh
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Free Merge MP3 Free Obtain For Windows 10, 7, eight

Messagede thottombip le 29 Nov 2017, 14:47

If you'd like to merge a bunch of audio tracks into one file, AVS Audio Editor is always ready to assist, even when your input recordsdata are of various codecs. Then when I burn that file to make a music CD I wish to have a sign of various observe numbers relying on the point in the tune. You may also break up and merge audio files particularly your MP3 tracks. MP3 Cutter Joiner Free is an aspirational program for music lovers especially one who likes to create his own music and need some chopping, enhancing, joining, and so forth.
It lets you merge as many information as you want no matter their dimension or size. Supported Formats: AAC, MP3. Evidently, probably, is that I now have tons of merged information to compensate for, however it is going to be a joy to take action with this fast little app.
Modified the way file information is displayed in order that another file can be selected while the data field is open; info box is up to date mechanically. Click on "Select file" button to select a file in your computer or enter an online file URL.
Mp3 Cutter and Merger is an audio enhancing device that permits you to crop any audio file that you've got in your Android's memory. Hence, you need a software program that may present you learn how to lower up tracks by time. To begin with the mp3 file merging, the very first thing is to click on the Import button and choose all of your mp3 recordsdata.
I extremely advocate Avdshare Video Converter to convert MP3 to different audio codecs, like converting MP3 to OGG, changing MP3 to WMA, converting MP3 to M4A, to WAV, FLAC, DTS, AIFF, and so on. Click the Add Files” button and choose the audiobook files you wish to merge.
After I open my apps, I must click on "Run As Administrator", and the few instances I forgot to try this and easily opened the app and tried merging the recordsdata, NOTHING occurred - no merger handed off. Apart from merging, Free Merge MP3 additionally works as an audio converter which allows you change between nearly all audio codecs in batches.
=> you can lower and merge the mp3 files. You'll want to save a replica of the unique files so that you just won't lose something if you're not glad with the combined recordsdata. With MP3 Toolkit, you are able to convert, cut, merge, rip and file MP3.
Tip: you can even simply drag and drop MP3 recordsdata into this system window. You may select to merge any variety of tracks of any length and measurement using these functions. Add it to any Windows platform by clicking the Obtain button on this page Then open its setup to put in this system within the shot below.
With a purpose to create a surprising audio recordsdata, you need to extract MP3 from YouTube video information first. Merge MP3 is an utility that enables customers to join MP3 files collectively. Several packages can share the same merge file, however when these packages are uninstalled or modified, typically "orphaned" (invalid) EXE registry entries are left behind.
Movavi Video Editor is a multifunctional however simple-to-use software program program that can enable merge mp3s you to with a wide range of different video and audio enhancing duties like trimming files, together with effects and transitions, and, actually, combining several audio information into one.
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Messages: 70
Inscription: 29 Nov 2017, 11:18
Localisation: Andorra

9 Free Audio Converter Software Applications And Providers

Messagede TuffMomB le 29 Nov 2017, 15:46

An audio conversion app (also referred to as an audio converter) transcodes one audio file format into one other; for example, from FLAC into MP3 It may allow selection of encoding parameters for every of the output file to optimize its quality and size. This can be a checklist with the audio conversion tools we provide. We support the conversion from over 50 source codecs. You can see the main points on the converter page. Simply select your goal converter and start uploading your recordsdata. All audio converter may rip the audio from a video file.
In case you're unable to play or edit a certain audio file the way you need as a result of the format isn't supported by the software you're utilizing, considered one of these free audio converter software packages or online tools will help.
The app can convert a number of information simultaneously in a batch, saving them in a ZIP archive to hurry up downloading. All you do is upload the original audio file, select the desired output format, after which look ahead to an e-mail with a link to the transformed file.
General, VSDC Free Audio Converter is just as fast as many of the other instruments in this listing, and is nice for changing your recordsdata to a standard format. is another online audio converter, which implies although you don't have to obtain any software to use it, you do need to upload and download your files to make it work.
In the event you're searching for a easy program that works without the advanced options and complicated interfaces that some of these audio converter tools have, you'll positively like MediaHuman Audio Converter. Cannot drag and drop file folders containing music information into the converter, as in earlier variations.
You might also wish to take a look at Freemake Video Converter , one other program from the same builders as Freemake Audio Converter that helps audio formats too. It even permits you to convert native and online movies into different formats. However, while Freemake Audio Converter does assist MP3s, their video software program does not (except you pay for it).
We're constantly improving our service. Right now we help over 20 input codecs to transform to WAV. For example: MP3 to WAV, WMA to WAV, OGG to WAV, FLV to WAV, WMV to WAV and extra. When you've got a file that we can't convert to WAV please contact us so we will add one other WAV converter.
Convert MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, AAC, FLAC. Extract audio from video. Free Audio Converter is strictly what is says it is, and it's a dependable and comparatively versatile software for conversion of audio. After loading one or more audio recordsdata to , you simply need to decide on an output quality and one of many output formats from below.
Now you can convert audio tracks proper in your browser. It's quick, secure, and free. A superb MP3 converter for joining audio files. works fairly quick, without errors. For those who like to purchase high quality music recordsdata, as many websites now provide recordsdata in lossless WAV format, you will probably have to convert them for use on a portable machine.
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Messages: 75
Inscription: 29 Nov 2017, 10:39
Localisation: Belarus

Merge Many Mp3 Information?

Messagede thottombip le 29 Nov 2017, 18:57

Free MP3 Cutter Joiner is an lightweight instrument that is easy to use and has a plain wanting interface. Do you've got a number of MP3 tracks which are causing you a priority or you wish to create particular person clippings? I merge a number of MP3 files with a tremendous device named Faasoft MP3 Merger, with which, I can merge many kinds of audio recordsdata like MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, M4A, etc.
The file list incorporates diverse information about loaded recordsdata (name of source file, bitrate, mode, start time and so on). With out executable files like merge , you would not have the ability to use any packages on your PC. With this on-line MP3 merger, you possibly can combine a number of MP3 songs on-line with out installing any program in your pc.
It is a lot easier so that you can get highlights from MP3 recordsdata with free MP3 Cutter function, howerver, with MP3 merger perform, you'll be able to completely merge many audio recordsdata into one. Then export to MP3 and gave the merged track a new name. Once complete, the merged MP3 is accessible in the location you specified.
? Easily select the Songs, different audio recordsdata from the list. As we talked about beforehand, you may as well cut up MP3 files into individual tracks and luxuriate in every music individually. To begin with its mp3 merger function you could install it first and launch it. Now on the Audacity's interface hit File > Open and load the entire mp3 tracks that you need to be part of together.
I extremely suggest Avdshare Video Converter to convert MP3 to other audio codecs, like converting MP3 to OGG, changing MP3 to WMA, converting MP3 to M4A, to WAV, FLAC, DTS, AIFF, and so forth. Click on the Add Information” button and choose the audiobook recordsdata you need to merge.
After I open my apps, I need to click "Run As Administrator", and the few times I forgot to do this and simply opened the app and tried merging the recordsdata, NOTHING happened - no merger passed off. Except for merging, Free Merge MP3 additionally works as an audio converter which permits you change between almost all audio formats in batches.
Right-click the selected information and select the Get Info” choice. So, when you want to take heed to an extended list of your favourite songs uninterrupted in a single massive MP3 file, this software could be then handy to you to create one file as a substitute of making particular person tracks.
I have an audiobook in sixty four small mp3 files and I would like them mixed right into a single file of any format within the proper order or order that I add them in. Simply make it positive that you simply drag them at the end of every mp3 monitor; repeat this steps so as to add more audio tracks.
It even can merge video recordsdata like MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, MPG, VOB, MKV, FLV, WebM, MXF, AVCHD, MTS, and and so forth. It is often necessary to merge multiple sound recordsdata into one recording. I loaded the information to merge, set file name and path, hit save, and nothing.
For both strategies beneath, we'll assume there are three MP3 files within the current listing of the Terminal immediate. This is without doubt one of the well-liked and broadly used software to hitch a number of mp3 information into one large file. Recordsdata will be merged in the order displayed - use the up or down arrows within the toolbar to move tracks up or down the listing if you wish to change this order.
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Messages: 70
Inscription: 29 Nov 2017, 11:18
Localisation: Andorra

How To Merge Audio Guide Information

Messagede thottombip le 29 Nov 2017, 18:58

I lately revisited a earlier how-to I wrote up two years ago, thinking that there should be a better solution to losslessly combine multiple MP3 recordsdata than to use 3 separate utilities. After having a general idea about this trendy and straightforward MP3 Merger, simply observe the three steps as proven below to mix a lot of MP3 recordsdata with it. It preserves the first observe's media info for the brand new mp3 - not an enormous problem, simply precipitated duplicate tracks for me.
Utilizing Mp3 Cutter and Merger is basically easy: you just have to select the audio file you wish to work with, after which reduce and paste the fragment that you're concerned about. When you're done merging your audio file, you possibly can play it instantly from the app.
After some research, the Merge MP3 program appears to be the one that could be very easy to use and only focus on doing MP3 merging. Except for merging multiple recordsdata right into a single track, Free Merge MP3 can also convert the songs from one audio format to another.
While you add audio information to this system, they will be routinely joined together and positioned on the Timeline one after another in the order by which they were added. These EXE error messages can seem throughout program set up, while a merge -related software program (eg.
You can convert audio file formats between standard MP3 audio and WMA, WAV, OGG, AAC and more. Added auto detection of whether or not VBR frame is needed in the merged file. You'll be able to drag information larger or lower within the Batch Processing window in Mp3DirectCut , then join them collectively.
One bonus of this software is that it does not re-encode your information, which could probably alter the standard. Most of the packages are greater than to merge MP3, WAV, WMV and other audio formats as a single audio observe. You can add audio files with completely different formats, together with WMA, MP3, MP2, MPGA, WAV, OGG, CDA, VOX, RAW, G721, G723, G726, MPC, AIF, AIFF, and so forth.
There is nearly no restriction relating to the format of the output information, so you should use this system as an MP3 combiner, upload WMA information, or even more esoteric formats like FLAC or APE. So only a thought as to probably why you may not find the merger anywhere if in case you have your "Person Account Control Settings" turned on and have to "Run As Administrator" EARLIER THAN making an attempt to merge information.
Is it attainable to join the relevant MP3 files based mostly on the paths within the textual content? Cleansing up these short-term files with Disk Cleanup may not only solve your merge error, but may dramatically speed up the efficiency of your LAPTOP.
2. Choose the MP3 format from the menu of the Profile list to extract the audio file. The output file was somewhat smaller than the sum of the supply :) It's one file for the actual program and one other file to make iTunes audiobooks. MP3 Joiner is one program that joins MP3s together.
The program lets you insert silence between MP3 recordsdata, which allows you enter time in seconds. Except enhancing the source audio information, Any Video Converter also can extract audio track from video information and minimize or merge the audio monitor and then save the audio as MP3, WAV, WMA, FLAC, AAC, OGG, M4A formats.
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Messages: 70
Inscription: 29 Nov 2017, 11:18
Localisation: Andorra

Free Audio Converter Download

Messagede TuffMomB le 29 Nov 2017, 19:54

Bigasoft Audio Converter is a simple-to-use audio conversion tool supplies a speedy option to convert favorite songs between nearly all formats together with MP3, WMA, M4A, AAC, AC3, WAV, OGG, AIFF, ALAC, FLAC, CAF, etc. You may additionally want to check out Freemake Video Converter , one other program from the same builders as Freemake Audio Converter that helps audio codecs too. It even helps you to convert native and on-line movies into other formats. Nonetheless, while Freemake Audio Converter does assist MP3s, their video software program does not (until you pay for it).
For those who're unable to play or edit a sure audio file the best way you want as a result of the format is not supported by the software program you are utilizing, one of these free audio converter software programs or online tools may help.
Convert MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, AAC, FLAC. Extract audio from video. Free Audio Converter is strictly what is says it's, and it's a reliable and relatively versatile instrument for conversion of audio. After loading one or more audio information to , you simply want to decide on an output high quality and one of many output codecs from beneath.
Convert your audio like music to the WAV format with this free on-line WAV converter. Upload your audio file and the conversion will begin immediately. You can too extract the audio observe of a file to WAV when you add a video. This can be a lossless audio converter.
Probably the most steady, quickest, and complete multi format audio file converter. Simply drag and drop the audio recordsdata you need converted straight into this system, select an output format, and then begin the conversion. VSDC Free Audio Converter has a tabbed interface that is uncomplicated to understand and is not cluttered with unnecessary buttons.
Merely drag in any information you need to convert, select a format, destination and quality for conversion, and hit Convert. It's fairly quick, and does it's job nicely. More superior customers may need more configuration options than can be found, however it is going to cover most individuals's wants.
Output options: By means of this program, you may convert files to MP3, M4A, FLAC, ALAC, AMR, WAV, WMA, and a number of other more. You can too select the output high quality, with options including Original, LAME Insane, LAME Excessive, LAME Standard, High Quality, and Old Customary, among others.
This audio converter has versatile settings. Audio is processed in sixty four-bit float accuracy for best outcomes. Helps gapless encoding and decoding. Makes use of gapless sample charge conversion. If you have a bunch of music recordsdata that will not transfer onto your MP3 participant, Freemake Audio Converter is a simple solution to resolve that downside as soon as and for all”.
Convert audio between MP3, WAV, WMA, M4A, FLAC, M4R, AIFF, M4B, OGG, AAC, AMR, and many others. Apply results, customize output parameters, use batch mode. You may mess around with the settings too as a result of every format has a profile kit and a preset editor, giving you extra control over your conversions.
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Messages: 75
Inscription: 29 Nov 2017, 10:39
Localisation: Belarus


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